Really poorly designed game, unfortunately. Very cool graphics and a lot of effort was put in - but the fundamental game design is just bad. You have no real choices, and there is only one path and gameplay style that can be successful.
Really poorly designed game, unfortunately. Very cool graphics and a lot of effort was put in - but the fundamental game design is just bad. You have no real choices, and there is only one path and gameplay style that can be successful.
5 stars because I have the high score
This game is too. FUCKING. FRUSTRATING. People cannot see through walls. On the same note, two dumbasses won't sit around and twiddle their thumbs while one runs. No, they'd all move at once. Of course, this couldn't be so easy, could it? Nope.. have to do them each individually. Even with cheats, this game is too fucking hard. You held up on your end, the programmer did not.
Ok, I just got home and thought i would take a look at the reviews and then i noticed there was way more than i could answer. So here i go. Thanks to anyone who liked the game. YOur right about the anime thing :) lol and as for the jumping thing, it's suppose to be hard. Me and the programmer didn't want people just flyin' though the game in a couple of minutes (even tho it is possible cuz i've done it without the cheats on. And as for the taco boss... he's so easy .. i'm not going to give away the secret but he's easy to beat but the final boss is even more easy. So everyone just try harder, thats all i can really ask of ya'll. Most of you have never made a game in your life so can't talk to much trash :) so i'd thank you to stop
Stuck in the middle.
This game has its high points, and its low points. The graphics are smooth, the audio is great, but there are some issues. I've found a couple of bugs (randomly falling through the floor at times, getting through walls), and sometimes the controls are locky. Also, this game tends to lag alot (even on low). It's worth a play, but it'll probably be grossly overrated, get above a 4, and hit front page.
I'll just give you straight tens, even though Humor isn't exactly fitting.
I've always known you as a great actionscripter, and what you've done here I could consider godlike.
And I know nothing of it.
W00T! Another positive review! Thanks a lot for your comments. They warm my heart =)
This is pretty neat..
I played with this for a few minutes. Would be great as a site add-on, or a preloader. I got well over 10,000 playing, but still quite a challenge.
I got a far better score than Thedeathbringer, I don't think it can be beaten.. quote him "ha i rule".
Not very great. There are too many FPS tutorials.
from the person that reviewed below you. "good to see a tutorial for a fps around, because there arent too many" I dont know if your right but are there too many good ones? ha
I like it, the graphics are nice (dig teh fox) and the gameplay owns. It's like Alien Hominid; "Pushing the envelope of cute character packed with attitude" :}
The things here are from my childhood, before I learned to draw or animate, and are terribly embarrassing..
.... >_>
Duncan, Oklahoma
Joined on 12/5/01